
  • Herlina Herlina Badan Pusat Statistik, Indonesia
  • Bagus Sartono Department of Statistics, IPB University, Indonesia
  • Budi Susetyo Department of Statistics, IPB University, Indonesia




calibration, food insecurity experience scale, pearson, rasch model


The results of the FAO study since 2013 through the Voices of Hungry Project (VoH-FAO) have produced measures of the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES). FIES is a global reference scale that becomes a reference for comparing the prevalence of food insecurity between countries and regions. The challenge of using the FIES instrument, each country must carry out linguistic adaptations that are appropriate to the culture and national language. This study aims to analyze the validity of FIES measurements in Indonesia, including internal and external analysis. The Rasch model (RM) used for internal validity analysis. Measurement of the validity and reliability of Indonesian FIES items was calibrated with a global reference scale. Differences in the scale of calibration items with a global reference scale of less than 0.35 indicate that they are standard items. FIES measurements require at least five common items. External analysis of FIES measurements uses the Pearson correlation between district-level aggregation on each FIES item that is answered "yes" and determinant characteristics of household food insecurity. The expected correlation coefficient indicated the direction of a positive correlation and observed the correlation coefficient of item 1501 to 1508, which is getting smaller. Internal analysis of FIES measurements in Indonesia shows the achievement of unidimensional and local independence assumptions. However, item 1501 has identified as an outlier. Then identify unique issues are 1501 and 1504, while unique items in rural subsamples are 1503 and 1508. Unique item differences founded in food expenditure 60 percent or more, i.e., 1502. This shows a discordance with items assumption of parameter invariance. The reliability of the FIES item is 0.78, and this reflects the suitability of the model quite well. External analysis of the FIES measurement identifies item 1501 and 1504 as invalid items (unique items).


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How to Cite

Herlina, H., Sartono, B., & Susetyo, B. (2020). KAJIAN VALIDITAS INSTRUMEN PENGUKURAN SKALA PENGALAMAN KERAWANAN PANGAN DI INDONESIA. Indonesian Journal of Statistics and Its Applications, 4(1), 136–155. https://doi.org/10.29244/ijsa.v4i1.543




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