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Ratnaningsih, D. J., Saefuddin, A., & Kurnia, A. (2021). Stratified-extended Cox with frailty model for non-proportional hazard: A statistical approach to student retention data from Universitas Terbuka in Indonesia. Thailand Statistician, 19(1), 209–228.
Supandi, A., Saefuddin, A., & Sulvianti, I. D. (2021). Two step Cluster Application to Classify Villages in Kabupaten Madiun Based on Village Potential Data. Xplore: Journal of Statistics, 10(1), 12–26.
Angraini, Y., Notodiputro, K. A., Saefuddin, A., & Toharudin, T. (2020). Latent factor linear mixed model (LFLMM) for modelling Flanders data. Commun. Math. Biol. Neurosci., 2020, Article-ID.
Arman, A., & Saefuddin, A. (2020). The Local Economy and Rural Development in Berambai Hamlet, East Kalimantan. Society, 8(2), 506–516.
Ginzel, M. D. C., Saefuddin, A., & Erfiani, E. (2020). Determination of Extracurricular Activities for High School Students Based on Multiple Intelligence. Xplore: Journal of Statistics, 9(1), 21–29.
Yunus, M., Saefuddin, A., & Soleh, A. M. (2020). PEMODELAN STATISTICAL DOWNSCALING DENGAN LASSO DAN GROUP LASSO UNTUK PENDUGAAN CURAH HUJAN. Indonesian Journal of Statistics and Its Applications, 4(4), 649–660.
Arman, A., Purwandaya, B., & Saefuddin, A. (2020). The Impact of Quality of Education and Higher Education on Economic Growth. Journal of Economic Education, 9(1), 64–70.
Ratnaningsih, D. J., Saefuddin, A., Kurnia, A., & Mangku, I. W. (2020). The terminology of survival modeling: An insight and alternative modeling of student retention.
Tamonob, A., Saefuddin, A., & Wigena, A. (2020). Principal component analysis with successive interval in K-Means Cluster Analysis (Study case: Poverty data 2013 in East Nusa Tenggara). IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 823, 012055.
Hidayati, N., Saefuddin, A., & Kurnia, A. (2019). ANALISIS PENDUGAAN UKURAN KEMISKINAN MONETER PADA CONTOH BERUKURAN KECIL. FIBONACCI: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Dan Matematika, 5(1), 37–54.
Ghaniswati, R., Saefuddin, A., & Kurnia, A. (2019). Nonstationary EBLUP on Prediction of Poverty Rate at Village Level in Lembata Regency. Repositories-Dept. of Statistics, IPB University, 124–130.
Saefuddin, A., Djuraidah, A., & others. (2019). Modelling the Number of Cases of Dengue Hemorragic Fever with Mixed Geographically Negative Binomial Regression in West Java Provinc. Repositories-Dept. of Statistics, IPB University, 71–77.
Rahmaida, R., Saefuddin, A., & Sartono, B. (2019). Predicting Potential Co-Authorship Using Random Forest: Case of Scientific Publications in Indonesian Institute of Sciences. STI Policy and Management Journal, 4(2).
Mumtaza, W. A., Saefuddin, A., & Sartono, B. (2019). The Impact of Oil Price Shocks on Stock Market Returns in Each Regime using Vector Autoregressive Method. Xplore: Journal of Statistics, 8(1).
Ratnaningsih, D. J., Saefuddin, A., Kurnia, A., & Mangku, W. (2019). Survival Modeling on Non Active Students’ Study of Universitas Terbuka: A Case Study. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 20(1), 177–190.
Ratnaningsih, D., Saefuddin, A., Kurnia, A., & Mangku, I. (2019). Stratified-extended cox model in survival modeling of non-proportional hazard. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 299, 012023.
Nuramaliyah, N., Saefuddin, A., & Aidi, M. N. (2019). THE BEST GLOBAL AND LOCAL VARIABLES OF THE MIXED GEOGRAPHICALLY AND TEMPORALLY WEIGHTED REGRESSION MODEL. Indonesian Journal of Statistics and Its Applications, 3(3), 320–330.
Handayani, D., Notodiputro, K. A., Saefuddin, A., Mangku, I. W., & Kurnia, A. (2018). Empirical Best Predictor for Nested Error Regression Small Area Models. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 187, 012036.
Harahap, T. A., Saefuddin, A., Riani, E., & Indriyanto, B. (2018). Identifikasi Prediktor Pola Hidup Bersih dan Sehat Siswa Sekolah Menengah: Eksplorasi Data Sekunder Lomba Sekolah Sehat. Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam Dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management), 8(1), 62–66.
Mardiah, M., Saefuddin, A., & Indahwati, I. (2017). Prediction of CIF Components Proportion of Indonesian Import Value Using Multivariate Fractional Logit Model. Repositories-Dept. of Statistics, IPB University, 820–825.
Munaf, A. R., Wijayanto, H., Saefuddin, A., & Mangku, I. W. (2017). Multilevel Structural Equation Model with Gifi System in Understanding the Satisfaction of Health Condition at Java. Applied Mathematical Sciences, 11(16), 773–781.
Hakim, L., Sartono, B., & Saefuddin, A. (2017). Bagging based ensemble classification method on imbalance datasets. Repositories-Dept. of Statistics, IPB University, 670–676.
Tamtama, R., Sartono, B., & Saefuddin, A. (2017). Combined DEA and Classification Analysis with Case Study of Building Construction Company. Repositories-Dept. of Statistics, IPB University, 771–776.
Ananda, F. R., Saefuddin, A., & Sartono, B. (2017). AN APPLICATION OF GENETIC ALGORITHM FOR CLUSTERING OBSERVATIONS WITH INCOMPLETE DATA. Indonesian Journal of Statistics and Its Applications, 1(1), 13–23.
Nisa, K., Kokonendji, C. C., Saefuddin, A., Wigena, A. H., & Mangku, I. W. (2017). ON GENERALIZED VARIANCE OF NORMAL-POISSON MODEL AND POISSON VARIANCE ESTIMATION UNDER GAUSSIANITY. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12(12), 3836–3842.
Tamonob, A. M., Saefuddin, A., & Wigena, A. H. (2017). Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis and Principal Component Analysis with Successive Interval in K-Means Cluster Analysis. FORUM STATISTIKA DAN KOMPUTASI, 20.
Anggistia, M., Saefuddin, A., & Sartono, B. (2017). Simultaneous Co-Clustering and Classification in Customers Insight. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 824, 012033.
Aviliani, A., Sumarwan, U., Sugema, I., & Saefuddin, A. (2017). Segmentasi nasabah tabungan mikro berdasarkan recency, frequency, dan monetary: Kasus Bank BRI. Jurnal Keuangan Dan Perbankan, 13(1).
Arman, A., Saefuddin, A., & Pradina, F. A. (2017). The Role of Oil Palm and Rubber Industry toward Regional Economic in West Kalimantan-Indonesia. The Winners, 18(2), 61–72.
Winardi, W., Karim, M., & Saefuddin, A. (2017). Strengthening the Roles of Sustainable Maritime Economy in East Java, Indonesia. 2nd International Conference on Indonesian Economy and Development (ICIED 2017).
Yunus, M., Saefuddin, A., & Soleh, A. M. (2017). Characteristics of Group LASSO in Handling High Correlated Data. Applied Mathematical Sciences, 11(20), 953–961. http://www.m-hikari.com/ams/ams-2017/ams-17-20-2017/7276.html
Hutabarat, I. M., Saefuddin, A., Hardinsyah, H., & Djuraidah, A. (2016). Estimation of Percentage on Malnutrition Occurrences in East Java using Geographically Weighted Regression Model. Makara Journal of Health Research, 92–98.
Soleh, A. M., Wigena, A. H., Djuraidah, A., & Saefuddin, A. (2016). Gamma distribution linear modeling with statistical downscaling to predict extreme monthly rainfall in Indramayu. Mathematics, Statistics, and Their Applications (ICMSA), 2016 12th International Conference On, 134–138. http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7954325/
Munaf, A. R., Wijayanto, H., Saefuddin, A., & Mangku, I. W. (2016). Satisfaction of women’s and men’s health conditions in DKI Jakarta, A multi-group structural equation model approach. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1746, 020061.
Nisa, K., Kokonendji, C. C., Saefuddin, A., Wigena, A. H., & Mangku, I. W. (2016). Empirical Comparison of ML and UMVU Estimators of the Generalized Variance for some Normal Stable Tweedie Models: a Simulation Study. Applied Mathematical Sciences, 10(63), 3107–3118.
Sutrisno, J., Sanim, B., Saefuddin, A., & Sitorus, S. R. (2016). Prediksi Erosi dan Sedimentasi di Sub Daerah Aliran Sungai Keduang Kabupaten Wonogiri. Media Konservasi, 16(2).
Mansoer, S., Saefuddin, A., Kaomini, M., & others. (2016). Analisis interaksi genotipe-lingkungan pada beberapa sifat kuantitatif ulat sutra (Bombyx mori L). Media Peternakan, 24(2), 24–29.
Salman, L. B., Noor, R. R., Saefuddin, A., & Talib, C. (2016). Kurva Pertumbuhan Sapi Perah Fries Hollands dari Lahir Sampai Umur Kawin Pertama dengan Model Matematika Logistic. Informatika Pertanian, 23(1), 75–84.
Hidayat, Z., Saefuddin, A., & Sumartono, S. (2016). Motivasi, Kebiasaan, dan Keamanan Penggunaan Internet.
Soleh, A. M., Wigena, A. H., Djuraidah, A., & Saefuddin, A. (2015). Statistical downscaling to predict monthly rainfall using linear regression with L1 regularization (LASSO). Applied Mathematical Sciences, 9(108), 5361–5369. http://www.m-hikari.com/ams/ams-2015/ams-105-108-2015/56434.html
Soleh, A. M., Wigena, A. H., Djuraidah, A., & Saefuddin, A. (2015). Pemodelan Statistical Downscaling untuk Menduga Curah Hujan Bulanan Menggunakan Model Linier Terampat Sebaran Gamma. Informatika Pertanian, 24(2), 215–222. http://www.litbang.pertanian.go.id/warta-ip/pdf-file/Vol-24-No2-2015/AgusM-Vol24No2-2015.pdf
Anggana, H. D., Saefuddin, A., & Sartono, B. (2015). Modeling of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Bogor using Bayesian SUR-SAR. Forum Statistika Dan Komputasi, 20.
Soleh, A. M., Salim, A., Wigena, A. H., Saefuddin, A., & Djuraidah, A. (2015). Estimation of Linear Regression Models with L1 Penalty (LASSO) using Iterative Approach and Its Implementation on Statistical Downscaling Models. The 5th Annual Basic Science International Conference, 5, 299–301. http://basic.ub.ac.id/files/proceeding/proceeding-basic-2015.pdf
Saefuddin, A. (2015). Perguruan Tinggi, Peran Pemerintah Dan Pengembangan Blue Economy. RISALAH KEBIJAKAN PERTANIAN DAN LINGKUNGAN: Rumusan Kajian Strategis Bidang Pertanian Dan Lingkungan, 1(3), 135–142.
Hubeis, M., Saefuddin, A., Affandi, J., & others. (2015). Peran Ombudsman sebagai Moderator Kelembagaan Pemberdaya Modal Sosial Masyarakat. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen, 13(1), 117–125.
Salman, L. B., Sumantri, C., Noor, R. R., Saefuddin, A., & Talib, C. (2015). Kurva Pertumbuhan Sapi Friesian Holstein dari Lahir Sampai Siap Kawin Berdasarkan Tingkat Kelahiran (HOLSTEIN GROWTH CURVE OF NEW BORN CALF UNTIL FIRST MATING BASED ON BIRTH RATE). Jurnal Veteriner, 16(1), 96–106.
Damanhur, D. S., Saefuddin, A., & others. (2015). The Model of Property Tax assessment based on Straight Line Distance and Distance of Travel; Case Study in the West ofBogor City. Kajian Ekonomi Dan Keuangan, 18(1), 1–14.
Nisa, K., Kokonendji, C. C., & Saefuddin, A. (2015). Characterizations of multivariate normal-Poisson model. Journal of Iranian Statistical Society, 14(2), 37–52.