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Tyas, M. F., Kurnia, A., & Soleh, A. M. (2022). TEXT CLUSTERING ONLINE LEARNING OPINION DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN INDONESIA USING TWEETS. BAREKENG: Jurnal Ilmu Matematika Dan Terapan, 16(3), 939–948.
Adam, F., Kurnia, A., Purnaba, I., Mangku, I., & Soleh, A. (2021). Modeling the amount of insurance claim using gamma linear mixed model with ar (1) random effect. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1863, 012027.
Pusponegoro, N. H., Kurnia, A., Notodiputro, K. A., Soleh, A. M., & Astuti, E. T. (2021). Area specific effects selection of small area estimation for construction of regional consumer price indices in Indonesia. Commun. Math. Biol. Neurosci., 2021, Article-ID.
Pusponegoro, N. H., Kurnia, A., Notodiputro, K. A., Soleh, A. M., & Astuti, E. T. (2021). Small Area Estimation of Sub-District’s Per Capita Expenditure through Area Effects Selection using LASSO Method. Procedia Computer Science, 179, 754–761.
Ratnaningsih, D. J., Saefuddin, A., & Kurnia, A. (2021). Stratified-extended Cox with frailty model for non-proportional hazard: A statistical approach to student retention data from Universitas Terbuka in Indonesia. Thailand Statistician, 19(1), 209–228.
Pusponegoro, N. H., Kurnia, A., Notodiputro, K. A., Soleh, A. M., & Astuti. (2020). Small Area Estimation with Penalty for Specific Area Effects Selection. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Statistics and Analytics. https://eudl.eu/doi/10.4108/eai.2-8-2019.2290492
Triscowati, D. W., Sartono, B., Kurnia, A., Domiri, D. D., & Wijayanto, A. W. (2020). Klasifikasi Fase Tanam Padi Menggunakan Supervised Random Forest Pada Data Multitemporal Citra Landsat-8 Classification of Rice Plant Phase Using Supervised Random Forest Based On Multitemporal Data Landsat-8 Satellite.
Trianjaya, B., Kurnia, A., & Soleh, A. M. (2020). KAJIAN PENGARUH PENAMBAHAN INFORMASI GEROMBOL TERHADAP PREDIKSI AREA NIRCONTOH PADA DATA BINOMIAL. Indonesian Journal of Statistics and Its Applications, 4(4), 566–578.
Newton, N., Kurnia, A., & Sumertajaya, I. M. (2020). ANALISIS INFLASI MENGGUNAKAN DATA GOOGLE TRENDS DENGAN MODEL ARIMAX DI DKI JAKARTA. Indonesian Journal of Statistics and Its Applications, 4(3), 545–556.
Setyowati, I. R., Notodiputro, K. A., & Kurnia, A. (2020). A study of fixed-b asymptotic distribution models for analysing determinants of drop-out rates in Central Java. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2296, 020094.
Triscowati, D. W., Sartono, B., Kurnia, A., Dirgahayu, D., & Wijayanto, A. W. (2020). CLASSIFICATION OF RICE-PLANT GROWTH PHASE USING SUPERVISED RANDOM FOREST METHOD BASED ON LANDSAT-8 MULTITEMPORAL DATA. International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences (IJReSES), 16(2), 187–196.
Ratnaningsih, D. J., Saefuddin, A., Kurnia, A., & Mangku, I. W. (2020). The terminology of survival modeling: An insight and alternative modeling of student retention.
Adam, F. F., Kurnia, A., Purnaba, I., Mangku, I. W., & Soleh, A. M. (2020). Tweedie compound Poisson model with first order autoregressive time random effect. Commun. Math. Biol. Neurosci., 2020, Article-ID.
Muhyi, F., Sartono, B., Sulvianti, I., & Kurnia, A. (2019). Twitter utilization in application of small area estimation to estimate electability of candidate central java governor. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 299, 012033.
Fatimah, A., Kurnia, A., Rahardiantoro, S., & Nurhadryani, Y. (2019). Penerapan Metode DBSCAN dalam Memperbaiki Kinerja K-Means untuk Penggerombolan Data Tweet. Xplore: Journal of Statistics, 8(1).
Rahardiantoro, S., Kurnia, A., Raharjo, M., & Yanti, Y. (2019). An alternative approach in predictive modeling using model averaging scheme for logistic regression case (case study: application in class prediction of autistic spectrum disorder data). IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 299, 012039.
Fahmi, A. I., Anisa, R., Kurnia, A., & others. (2019). ANALISIS AMMI DENGAN RESPON GABUNGAN PADA UJI STABILITAS TANAMAN PADI GOGO DI KABUPATEN PACITAN. Indonesian Journal of Statistics and Its Applications, 3(1), 1–17.
Hidayati, N., Saefuddin, A., & Kurnia, A. (2019). ANALISIS PENDUGAAN UKURAN KEMISKINAN MONETER PADA CONTOH BERUKURAN KECIL. FIBONACCI: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Dan Matematika, 5(1), 37–54.
Madyasari, R. P., Kurnia, A., Anisa, R., & Nurhadryani, Y. (2019). Analisis Kepuasan Pelayanan dan Literasi TIK Pengunjung Dinas-Dinas di Kota Bogor. Xplore: Journal of Statistics, 8(1).
Santi, V., Kurnia, A., & Sadik, K. (2019). Modelling of the number of malarias suffers in Indonesia using Bayesian generalized linear models. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1402, 077091.
Triscowati, D. W., Sartono, B., Kurnia, A., Domiri, D. D., & Wijayanto, A. W. (2019). Multitemporal remote sensing data for classification of food crops plant phase using supervised random forest. Sixth Geoinformation Science Symposium, 11311, 1131102.
Ubaidillah, A., Notodiputro, K. A., Kurnia, A., & Mangku, I. W. (2019). Multivariate Fay-Herriot models for small area estimation with application to household consumption per capita expenditure in Indonesia. Journal of Applied Statistics, 46(15), 2845–2861.
Ghaniswati, R., Saefuddin, A., & Kurnia, A. (2019). Nonstationary EBLUP on Prediction of Poverty Rate at Village Level in Lembata Regency. Repositories-Dept. of Statistics, IPB University, 124–130.
Eminita, V., Kurnia, A., & Sadik, K. (2019). PENANGANAN OVERDISPERSI PADA PEMODELAN DATA CACAH DENGAN RESPON NOL BERLEBIH (ZERO-INFLATED). FIBONACCI: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Dan Matematika, 5(1), 71–80.
Ratnaningsih, D. J., Saefuddin, A., Kurnia, A., & Mangku, W. (2019). Survival Modeling on Non Active Students’ Study of Universitas Terbuka: A Case Study. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 20(1), 177–190.
Ratnaningsih, D., Saefuddin, A., Kurnia, A., & Mangku, I. (2019). Stratified-extended cox model in survival modeling of non-proportional hazard. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 299, 012023.
Suhaeni, C., Kurnia, A., & Ristiyanti, R. (2018). Perbandingan Hasil Pengelompokan menggunakan Analisis Cluster Berhirarki, K-Means Cluster, dan Cluster Ensemble (Studi Kasus Data Indikator Pelayanan Kesehatan Ibu Hamil). JURNAL MEDIA INFOTAMA, 14(1).
Rahardiantoro, S., Notodiputro, K. A., & Kurnia, A. (2018). Prediction Intervals of Response Variables based on Quantiles in High Dimensional Regression Analyses. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 187, 012045.
Ghaith, T., Wijayanto, H., & Kurnia, A. (2018). Analisis Tingkat Kesenjangan Pendapatan antar Provinsi di Indonesia Menggunakan Regresi Data Panel Model Pengaruh Tetap. Xplore: Journal of Statistics, 7(3).
Yudistira, Y., Kurnia, A., & Soleh, A. M. (2018). BINOMIAL REGRESSION IN SMALL AREA ESTIMATION METHOD FOR ESTIMATE PROPORTION OF CULTURAL INDICATOR. Indonesian Journal of Statistics and Its Applications. http://journal.stats.id/index.php/ijsa/article/view/63
Hayati, M., Sadik, K., & Kurnia, A. (2018). Conwey-Maxwell Poisson Distribution: Approach for Over-and-Under-Dispersed Count Data Modelling. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 187, 012039.
Handayani, D., Notodiputro, K. A., Saefuddin, A., Mangku, I. W., & Kurnia, A. (2018). Empirical Best Predictor for Nested Error Regression Small Area Models. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 187, 012036.
Kuraysia, F., Sadik, K., & Kurnia, A. (2018). Estimating Poverty Indicator with Small Area Estimation in Simulation Study of Different Population and Sample Size. Small, 96(10), 89.
Tanur, E., Kurnia, A., Notodiputro, K. A., & Soleh, A. M. (2018). Estimation of Small Area Means for Subsample Repeated Measurement Data. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 187, 012033.
Muslim, A., Kurnia, A., & Sadik, K. (2018). Hierarchical Generalized Linear Model Approach For Estimating Of Working Population In Kepulauan Riau Province. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 187, 012042.
Hariyanto, S., Notodiputro, K., Kurnia, A., & Sadik, K. (2018). Measurement error in small area estimation: a literature review. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 187, 012034.
Salaki, D. T., Kurnia, A., Gusnanto, A., Mangku, I. W., & Sartono, B. (2018). Model Averaging Approach in Calibration Model.
Ramadhan, M. A., Sartono, B., & Kurnia, A. (2018). Partial Least Squares in Constructing Candidates Model Averaging. IJSRSET (4), 1, 1459–1463.
Ardiansyah, M., Djuraidah, A., & Kurnia, A. (2018). PENDUGAAN AREA KECIL DATA PRODUKTIVITAS TANAMAN PADI DENGAN GEOADDITIVE SMALL AREA MODEL. Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Tanaman Pangan, 2(2), 101–110.
Susanti, A. N., Sadik, K., & Kurnia, A. (2018). A Comparison of Cluster Method and Nearest Neighbor Method for Non-sample Area in the Small Area Estimation.
Ubaidillah, A., Notodiputro, K. A., Kurnia, A., & Mangku, I. W. (2018). A Comparative Study of Robust t Linear Mixed Models with Application to Household Consumption Per Capita Expenditure Data. Applied Mathematical Sciences, 12(2), 57–68.
Handayani, D., Folmer, H., Kurnia, A., & Notodiputro, K. A. (2018). The spatial empirical Bayes predictor of the small area mean for a lognormal variable of interest and spatially correlated random effects. Empirical Economics, 55(1), 147–167.
Bodromurti, W., Notodiputro, K. A., & Kurnia, A. (2018). Zero Inflated Binomial Model for Infant Mortality Data in Indonesia. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 13(6), 3139–3143.
Rahardiantoro, S., Notodiputro, K. A., & Kurnia, A. (2017). Prediction Intervals of Model Averaging Methods for High–Dimensional Data. Egional S, 176.
Aprizkiyandari, S., Kurnia, A., & Indahwati, I. (2017). Small Area Estimation in Estimating Unemployment Rate in Bogor District of Sampled and Non-Sampled Areas UsingA Calibration Modeling Approach. Repositories-Dept. of Statistics, IPB University, 760–765.
Susianto, Y., Notodiputro, K. A., Kurnia, A., & Wijayanto, H. (2017). Small Area Estimation Models with Time Factor Effects for Repeated Measurement Data. Applied Mathematical Sciences, 11(41), 1995–2010.
Ubaidillah, A., Notodiputro, K., Kurnia, A., Fitrianto, A., & Mangku, I. (2017). A robustness study of student-t distributions in regression models with application to infant birth weight data in Indonesia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 58, 012013.
Sundara, V., Kurnia, A., & Sadik, K. (2017). Clustering Information of Non-Sampled Area in Small Area Estimation of Poverty Indicators. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 58, 012020.
Sundara, V. Y., Sadik, K., & Kurnia, A. (2017). Cluster information of non-sampled area in small area estimation of poverty indicators using Empirical Bayes. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1827, 020026.