Exploration of Obesity Status of Indonesia Basic Health Research 2013 With Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling Techniques
Eksplorasi Status Obesitas Riset Kesehatan Dasar 2013 Indonesia dengan Teknik Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling
Imbalanced data, machine learning, obesity status, SMOTEAbstract
The accuracy of the data class is very important in classification with a machine learning approach. The more accurate the existing data sets and classes, the better the output generated by machine learning. In fact, classification can experience imbalance class data in which each class does not have the same portion of the data set it has. The existence of data imbalance will affect the classification accuracy. One of the easiest ways to correct imbalanced data classes is to balance it. This study aims to explore the problem of data class imbalance in the medium case dataset and to address the imbalance of data classes as well. The Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling Technique (SMOTE) method is used to overcome the problem of class imbalance in obesity status in Indonesia 2013 Basic Health Research (RISKESDAS). The results show that the number of obese class (13.9%) and non-obese class (84.6%). This means that there is an imbalance in the data class with moderate criteria. Moreover, SMOTE with over-sampling 600% can improve the level of minor classes (obesity). As consequence, the classes of obesity status balanced. Therefore, SMOTE technique was better compared to without SMOTE in exploring the obesity status of Indonesia RISKESDAS 2013.
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