Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. Untill now, TB is still one of the main problems in many countries, especially developing countries. Indonesia ranked second as the country with the highest TB cases in the world in 2015, where most cases were found in Java. This study was conducted to model the number of new pulmonary TB cases in Java by considering the spatial aspects using Geographically Weighted Negative Binomial Regression (GWNBR). GWNBR method was chosen because the data used in this study are overdispered. The result showed that the population density and percentage of healty homes were not significantly influential in each region. While the number of puskesmas, the percentage of smokers, the percentage of good PHBS, the percentage of diabetes mellitus, and the percentage of less IMT were significant in some regions. In general, the GWNBR model was better for modelling the number of new pulmonary TB cases than negative binomial regression and GWPR.
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