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Jl. Meranti Wing 22 Level 4
Kampus IPB Darmaga
Bogor 16680, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Tlp./Fax +62 (251) 8624535

Monday—Friday: 08:00–16:00


Department of Statistics, IPB University could be mentioned as the first institution in Indonesia which provides higher education in statistics. It has graduated qualified human resources which have acknowledged excellently in national level as well as in international levels. Many companies and state agencies agree that the graduates of Department Statistics are reliable and quickly adapted to answer their needs. Good learning process and high quality input of students has supported the students to be the best in their fields, and the graduates are suitable across applied areas.

In addition of having higher education in Bachelor Degree, the Department of Statistics organizes Master and Doctoral levels as well, which are also the frontier in Indonesia. We provide necessary information that guide the public to know the department better through this website.

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